The word “monkey” is thought to come from a Germanic root word
meaning “to mimic.”
Monkeys are divided into two main groups: New World monkeys and Old
World monkeys. New World monkeys are found in Central and South America,
while Old World monkeys are found in Africa and Asia. These monkey species
have some notable distinctions as a whole that shows a branch-off in evolution.
Only New World monkeys have prehensile tails. While Old World monkeys
have tails, they don’t have the same gripping ability that those in the New World
Most monkey species are arboreal, meaning they live in trees. This provides
safety from most predators, especially with large troops., et viverra mi ultrices at. Vestibulum tincidunt odio at aliquam consectetur. In tristique blandit orci. Morbi consequat ipsum vitae vulputate gravida. Etiam id velit id nisl pharetra consequat vel sed arcu.