
What my website is about

My website is going to be about: How much I love puppies, environments that they need, fun facts on them, about my own dog, what they like, most common breeds, fact files. I hope you enjoy my website cause I sure loved making it!!


  1. Living in a cold or wet place can make your dog unwell. Give your dog a comfortable, dry, draught-free, clean and quiet place to rest undisturbed.
  2. Living in a cold or wet place can make your dog unwell. Give your dog a comfortable, dry, draught-free, clean and quiet place to rest undisturbed
  3. Provide your dog with access to an appropriate place where they can exercise at least once a day. Somewhere that they can explore, play and meet other dogs if appropriate.
  4. Your dog must to be able to avoid frightening things. Give your dog constant access to a safe hiding place to escape if they feel afraid
  5. Dogs are intelligent and can become bored. Make sure your dog has access to suitable objects to chew and play with.

What they like!

  • Puppies are cute, rambunctious and adorable. You can pick them up and cuddle with them. Raising puppies is similar to raising children in some respects. Puppies are babies and like human babies, they need a lot of sleep and will often fall asleep on your lap. Who can resist their adorable faces? Puppies are very adorable but need a lot of care most people don't recognise how much puppies are like baby's they need care, cuddles, warmth, love, care, food, water, a safe and lovely place to live and sleep.